Monthly Archives: February 2012

Chicago 2011, Part 8

Canon EOS5DMkII/EF 70-200mm f2.8L IS plus big pane of thick glass at 200mm f3.2 1/125th sec ISO800

Sometimes I wonder why I bring the bag of heavy lenses.  But then you end up finding a situation like this…and it really makes your day to get a workable image.  This little guy was in an incubator display at the Museum of Science and Technology in the genetics area.  The official reason from the museum for this exhibit is that the hatchery illustrates animal development and answers questions.  I think it’s pretty clear the real reason is that little baby chicks are adorable.

Chicago 2011, Part 5

Canon EOS5DMkII/EF 24-70mm f2.8L at 60mm f8.0 1/100th sec ISO200. Michigan Avenue, Chicago.

We really lucked out on the weekend we chose to visit Chicago, because that Friday morning, the sun was beautiful and the wind was quite calm.    This is the Wrigley Building, in front of the new Trump Tower along the riverfront, basking in that winter morning sun.


Chicago 2011, Part 3

Canon EOS5DMkII/EF 24-70mm f2.8L at f2.8 1/25sec ISO800. Art Institute of Chicago.

I have to stop assuming that the 1/focal length rule applies to a large sensor.  This image when magnified is actually blurry, not due to focus, but due to camera shake.  I think the chance of that increases as the pixel density increases as each vibration in your hand covers more pixels to be out of alignment as you take the shot.


Chicago 2011, Part 1

Canon EOS5DMkII/EF 24-70mm f2.8L at f2.8 1/25sec ISO800

In November of 2011, Siobhan and I went to Chicago for a weekend trip.  We didn’t go for very long, so I didn’t send up daily updates or journal entries while we were gone.  I’m uploading them now, so you can enjoy them every day or two.  This was actually the first time I’d taken the 5D2 on a trip and the second major project I’d shot with it, the first being Iain’s wedding.

This is the famous Bean sculpture out in front of Michigan Avenue in Chicago.   When I saw this image, I thought, wow, that 5D2 puts out smooth noise, it’s like ISO800 on a 5D1.  Now I realize it’s actually at ISO800. Oh well.